Conveniently located on I-287 between Exits 9 and 10. Corporate
neighbors include: General Foods Phillip Morris, Texaco, Hitachi Corp.,
Trans-America Leasing, Master Card International, MCI, and Combe Inc.
The building, situated on beautifully landscaped grounds, has been completely
reconstructed with newly polished veneers and the sophisticated look of marble.
Designs are under the direction of: The Phillips Janson Group
The owners are local building developers and are performing all of the
fit-out work and property management.
Physical Features:
- 100,000 square feet of rentable space, available in divisions as small as
1,500 square feet.
- Parking for 108 indoor and 292 outdoor parking spaces.
- State-Of-The-Art Heating & Air Conditioning with the flexibility to zone
down to 1,000 square feet.
- Visible from I-287.
- Cafeteria off the main Lobby.
- Impressive Lobby Entrance.
- Fiber Optic Capabilities.
- Computerized Energy Management System.
- Complete Fire Sprinkler System and Updated Fire Alarm System.
- Mag Lock & Video Camera Surveillance Security System.
- Solar Glazing.
- Award for Building of the Year under 100,000 Square Foot Category in 2000.